Thank You and Website Update

Hello again, Friends and Neighbors!

First, we’d like to thank everyone who has expressed interest in what we’re doing with Nestling House, whether it be an enrollment inquiry, sharing a desire to become a caregiver, or just sending us kind words of support.  It has been incredible to hear from so many people that share our values and philosophy for child care and early learning. We are so grateful for all of the positive messages we’ve received. 

We are especially thankful for those who have referred friends, colleagues, neighbors, or family members to us. As many of you know, word-of-mouth is such an important part of growing a small business and we truly appreciate your help in spreading the word about Nestling House.  On that note, keep an eye out around Bay View for our small flyers and feel free to grab one for that friend or neighbor who is looking for natural, play and relationship-based child care in our area.

In other news: we have long promised, “MORE INFO COMING SOON” on our philosophy page and we are happy to unveil our Nestling House Guiding Principles.  We would like to give credit to some of the organizations and individuals whose ideas we have borrowed from.  Foremost among these are LifeWays, and Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE). We are also pleased to be recognized as a LifeWays Aligned program as we consider their principles and practices for home-like, mixed-age, relationship-based child care to be very much aligned with our own.  Please check out our Philosophy page for more info!

Lastly, we are still currently enrolling for our home-based program opening in September, however, at this point we only have space available for children over 2 years old.  Additional space will be available when our Howell Ave. center opens in early 2017. If you have contacted us to express an interest in enrolling or being added to our wait list, you will be receiving an email with an official application and more information soon.

Thanks again for your support!